3 Reasons To Try Mineral Sunscreen This Summer

3 Reasons To Try Mineral Sunscreen This Summer

Natural Health   /   Jun 19th, 2024   /  A+ | a-

This blog post was by Trinity School of Natural Health and reviewed by Lauren Ameling, DC, BCND.

Summer is here, and that means it's time to start thinking about sun protection. With so many options on the market, choosing the right sunscreen for your skin can be overwhelming. One option that has been gaining popularity in recent years is mineral sunscreen. Mineral sunscreen, also known as physical or natural sunscreen, contains active mineral ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide that sit on top of the skin and block UV rays. There are many reasons to consider using mineral sunscreen this summer, but three of the top reasons include its broad-spectrum protection, gentle yet effective formula, and environmental benefits.


Mineral Sunscreen and How it Works


Mineral sunscreen works by utilizing natural minerals such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide to create a physical barrier on the skin that reflects and scatters harmful UV rays away from the skin. Unlike chemical sunscreens, which work by absorbing UV rays and converting them into heat energy that is then released from the skin, mineral sunscreens provide a physical shield that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. This unique mechanism of action makes mineral sunscreens an appealing option for individuals who are concerned about potential chemical ingredients in traditional sunscreens.


Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are the two main ingredients found in mineral sunscreens. Zinc oxide provides broad-spectrum protection against both UVA and UVB rays, making it an effective choice for sun protection. Titanium dioxide also offers UV protection, although it is more effective at blocking UVB rays than UVA rays. By combining these ingredients, mineral sunscreens can provide comprehensive protection against the damaging effects of sunlight.


3 Reasons to Consider Switching to Mineral Sunscreen


1. Mineral sunscreen has a gentle formula. It’s made with natural mineral ingredients, making it an excellent option for people with sensitive skin. Chemical sunscreens often contain ingredients that can irritate the skin, causing redness, itching, and inflammation. On the other hand, mineral sunscreen is less likely to cause irritation, making it a great choice for those with allergies or skin conditions. Additionally, mineral sunscreen is non-comedogenic, meaning it won't clog pores or cause breakouts, so it’s suitable for all skin types. For this reason, people with acne-prone skin, in particular, may also find mineral sunscreen beneficial. Its gentle formula can also help these individuals get the protection they need without irritation and inflammation potentially worsening their acne.


Mineral sunscreen is often recommended for children also because of its gentle formula and absence of potentially harmful chemicals. Children's skin is typically more sensitive and delicate than adult skin, so using a gentle mineral sunscreen can help protect their skin from the detrimental effects of the sun without causing irritation or discomfort. However, you should always consult with your pediatrician for further guidance.


2. One of the key advantages of mineral sunscreens is their stability in sunlight. Unlike chemical sunscreens, which can break down and lose effectiveness over time when exposed to sunlight, mineral sunscreens remain more stable and provide consistent protection. This makes mineral sunscreens a reliable option for individuals who spend extended time outdoors or participate in water-based activities where reapplication may be challenging. However, reapplying it every two hours is still recommended, especially if you are sweating or exposed to water. You should also avoid going outside during the hottest times of the day. If this is unavoidable, apply sunscreen more frequently to help ensure you are protected.


3. Another reason to try mineral sunscreen is that it’s a more environmentally friendly option compared to chemical sunscreens. Chemical sunscreens contain ingredients like oxybenzone and octinoxate, which have been shown to harm marine life and coral reefs. In 2021, Hawaii passed a law banning these ingredients to protect its wildlife. When these chemicals are washed off into the ocean, they can cause coral bleaching and disrupt ecosystems. On the other hand, many mineral sunscreens contain natural ingredients that are biodegradable and reef-safe, making them a more sustainable choice for the environment.


Selecting a Mineral Sunscreen


Choosing a mineral sunscreen can be daunting, given the myriad of options available on the market today. Several key factors must be considered when selecting the best mineral sunscreen for your skin. First and foremost, looking for a sunscreen containing zinc oxide and titanium dioxide as active ingredients is essential. These minerals provide broad-spectrum protection against both UVA and UVB rays to help protect you from sunburn, signs of aging, and cellular damage. Look for the term “broad-spectrum” on the packaging to ensure you’re protecting against both, and opt for SPF 15 or higher for adults since the SPF indicates how much UVA protection you’ll receive. For all children, it’s essential to use a product specifically made for their age and containing an SPF of 30 or higher regardless of skin tone or color. All babies under the age of six months should be kept out of the sun altogether. If unavoidable, babies six months or younger should be dressed in lightweight clothes that cover their skin, wear a hat with a brim, and have a small amount of sunscreen applied where the skin cannot be covered, for example, on their face or hands.


However, to further protect the environment, it’s best to opt for products that don’t have a high titanium dioxide content. Titanium dioxide isn’t biodegradable and can harm sea life, especially if you are swimming in warm seawater. This is because hydrogen peroxide is created when titanium dioxide comes into contact with warm seawater. Sunscreens containing petrolatum should also be avoided to protect the environment since they take years to biodegrade and can harm or kill aquatic life and waterfowl. Visit https://www.hawaii.com/reef-safe-sunscreen/ to determine what environmentally safe and effective sunscreens to use.


In addition to the active ingredients, it is important to consider the sunscreen's SPF rating. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends using sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 15 daily and 30 or higher for adequate protection for extended time outdoors. However, higher SPF ratings do not necessarily equate to long-lasting protection. It is more important to apply the sunscreen generously and reapply it frequently, especially after swimming or sweating. Generally, it is recommended to reapply sunscreens, including mineral sunscreen, every two hours.


Another factor to consider when selecting a mineral sunscreen is the texture and consistency of the product. Mineral sunscreens tend to be thicker and leave a white cast on the skin, which can be off-putting to some people. Look for a sunscreen that is lightweight, easy to blend, and does not leave a noticeable residue on the skin. Some mineral sunscreens also contain added moisturizing ingredients, which can benefit those with dry or sensitive skin. However, it’s essential to ensure that additives are a good match for your skin type and don’t cause irritation or damage to the environment. For example, those with sensitive skin should look for a fragrance-free and hypoallergenic sunscreen to minimize the risk of irritation. Additionally, if you have specific skin concerns such as rosacea or hyperpigmentation, consider looking for a mineral sunscreen that contains additional ingredients to address these issues. Consult your dermatologist to learn what ingredients may or may not work for you.


Lastly, consider opting for cruelty-free and sustainably sourced sunscreen to support ethical practices in the beauty industry.




By taking these factors into consideration, you can select the best mineral sunscreen for your needs and protect your skin against the sun's harmful rays effectively and responsibly. Mineral sunscreen is an excellent option for sun protection this summer for several reasons. Its broad-spectrum protection ensures your skin is shielded from UVA and UVB rays, reducing the risk of sun damage and premature aging. Its gentle formula is ideal for sensitive skin, as it is less likely to cause irritation or breakouts and is safe for children. Additionally, mineral sunscreen is a more environmentally friendly choice compared to chemical sunscreens, as it is typically biodegradable and reef-safe. With all of these benefits in mind, it's clear that mineral sunscreen is a smart choice for those looking for effective and gentle sun protection this summer.


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