Price: $50
Trinity Health Freedom Expo is the premiere health freedom and natural health event that brings together the top speakers and exhibitors in the wellness industry. This Lecture on Demand series features the 2019 Trinity Health Freedom Expo presentations. These lectures discuss current healthcare trends and protecting your health freedom to make the best choices for you and your family.
Running Time: 32:55:57 eligible for 20 CEUs
- Health Freedom Discussion Panel Moderated by George Noory
- Vaccination Discussion Panel Moderated by Robert Scott Bell
- Jonathan Emord Bureaucratic Tyranny: Case Studies from the FDA, DEA, FTC and TTB
- Lisa Oz Conscious Living for Health and Happiness
- Melinda Muscroft Resolving the Root Cause of Any Illness
- Morley Robbins 10 Myths of Copper Toxicity
- Morley Robbins Ironology 101
- Naina Sachdev Skin Nutrition
- Patch Adams Medicine for Fun not Funds
- Paul Nison The Formula for Health
- Peter Glidden Blood Sugar Imbalances: How to Correct Them with Medical Nutrition
- Peter Starr Prostate Cancer, Why We Get It; What To Do About It
- Dr. Paul Ling Tai Natural Solutions for Adrenal Fatigue, Stress and Hypothyroidism
- Dr. Paul Ling Tai The Power of Anti-Aging Natural Solutions to A Younger You
- Russell Fugerer Trauma, Suicide, Depression and the Healing Magic of Forgiveness
- Tracey Stroup Unraveling the Mystery of MTHFR Mutation
- Anita Tibau and Kelly Gallagher Activism in the 21st Century
- Chelsea Barlow The Dirty Truth About Invisible Biofield Injuries and How Mud Makes A Difference
- Christopher Barr The Missing Link for Both Basic and Superior Nutrition and Health
- Diane Miller Practitioner Laws and Safe Harbor Exemption Laws for Complementary and Alternative Health Practitioners
- Dr. Blanche D. Grube A Comphrehensive Look at Dentistry and Diseases
- Dr. Brian Hooker Navigating the Jungle of Vaccine Safety
- Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn The Nutritional Reversal of Cardiovascular Disease
- Dr. Dave Simone Make America Smile Again
- Dr. Sheila Day Homeoprophylaxis: The Safe, Natural, Effective Method For Immune
- Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Pertussis, Pertussis Vaccines and Allergies
- Dr. Todd Frisch Bio-Individuality: Assessing Your Patient's Unique Metabolic Needs
- Erin Elizabeth The Holistic Doctor Deaths in North America and Beyond
- Ilene Cohn Reichman Environmental Stress: Why Your Cell Phone May Be Killing You
- James Hall All Disease Begins In The Gut
- Jeffrey Smith The Wrath of GMOs and Roundup
- Laurina Carroll Transcendental Meditation and Ayurveda Wellness
- Ocean Robbins The Food Revolution
- Sheryl Morley Understanding Women
- Ralph Moss From the Quack list to the Nobel Prize
- Robert Scott Bell Conquering Cancer by Immune Modulation
- Robert Scott Bell and Paul Barattiero Hydrogen-Based Protocols to Modulate Immune Response
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Trinity Health Freedom Expo 2019 Videos
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