CBD Smart

Title Image Price: $50

Description: CBD Smart presented by Pivital EDU is designed for a range of professionals, consumers, retailers, and educators. In this course, you will be equipped to understand CBD, how it's made, the endocannabinoid system, and how to legally discuss CBD products with clients or customers.

Running Time: 42:40
Eligible for 0.75 hour of ANWPB CEUs.

Author Biography:  Dr. Jessica Knox is a board-certified preventive medicine physician with a keen interest in health literacy and access. She received her bachelor's degree from Harvard University before going on to earn her medical and business degrees from Tufts University. After completing her residency in preventive medicine, Dr. Jessica began her study of the endocannabinoid system and cannabis medicine. She delights in teaching patients, other healthcare professionals, and the public about the power and promise of this incredible system and its associated toolkit. She has spoken on numerous medical cannabis panels, presented at cannabis conferences nationwide, and appeared on nationally televised programs and global webcasts to discuss the burgeoning fields of Endocannabinology and Cannabinoid Medicine. Dr. Jessica has also developed expertise in the design and delivery of multi-state telemedicine care. During her tenure as medical director at a Silicon Valley teleheath startup, Dr. Jessica oversaw the growth of the telemedicine practice from serving zero patients to over 100,000 patients in just over 3 years. Dr. Jessica is a co-founder and CEO of the American Cannabinoid Clinics, and cofounder of Pivital Edu. She is also a co-founder and executive board member of the Association for Cannabis Health Equity and Medicine (ACHEM).

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