Sheila Day, BCND, CNHP, CHS

Sheila's Story

Natural Wellness Ministries

Working as a Paramedic for many years, I saw my patients being prescribed more and more pharmaceuticals, leading to more and more health problems. They were not being given any education about "health". Frequent diabetic emergencies took me to homes full of junk non-foods that I knew were keeping them sick. I always asked if anyone was teaching them about nutrition and how to get healthy. The answer was always "No, they just tell me I need to keep peanut butter crackers, snickers bars, orange juice, etc., to keep my sugars up." Late in my life already, I decided I had to see if it were possible for me to make a change so I could better help people. I was able to study naturopathy while keeping my income to support my family working as a Paramedic. I found Trinity and became a Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor.

As soon as I graduated from Trinity's ND Program, I took the boards through ANMCB and immediately opened an office to begin my practice. I was blessed to become friends with my instructors, who pushed me to believe in myself that I "could" do anything I wanted to do. I have developed a very successful world-wide Homeoprophylaxis Practice and Detoxing Vaccine Injury. I have been invited to serve on the board of Free & Healthy Children International to help in the mission of making Homeoprophylaxis a Public Health Care Model in the United States. I have also developed a successful virtual ND practice helping people all over the world through video platforms. My practice is booming, both in-person and virtual, and I am only just beginning my 3rd year because I am always seeking mentorship from others. I have been invited to offer public talks about Homeoprophylaxis in many communities and foreign countries, to educate about the truth of vaccines, infectious contagious disease, the immune system, and a much safer, more natural, proven effective alternative. I have built a strong online presence to ~Educate, Equip, Empower~ where quality content is being shared to empower others to take charge of their health and their lives.

At a time when most people are getting burnt out in their jobs and dreaming about retirement, I am (at age 51) finding my passion and purpose. I am excited about the endless opportunities to keep growing personally and professionally, to continue learning everything I can to help others. My clients are ecstatic and grateful for the results they get after so many years of getting sicker and beginning to lose hope. That blesses my soul so richly that I cannot imagine doing anything else. When you get a testimonial from a man who had been in pain for years and spent tons of money with numerous doctors to only get sicker, to the point he lost all hope and thought he was dying, to now enjoying amazing health he did not know would be possible... When you get clients bringing you gifts and telling their friends and family about the recovery they have experienced, not just physically but mentally and emotionally... what is there not to love? I am abundantly blessed by the precious clients the Lord continues to lead to me, who become dear friends and great supporters. My family is the dearest to me, and my work has become a second family.

I believe I would not be doing all of the powerful and amazing things I am doing so quickly if it had not been for the "friendship" of my Trinity Family. The Trinity programs are amazing, powerful, and very easy to learn from, but my instructors became my friends, mentors, and powerful encouragers. The Facebook groups for Trinity students and grads have been powerful for continuing education, professional connection, and community. I am eternally grateful for the connections, friendship, and community that takes 'education' to a whole new level. The Trinity Health Freedom Expo offered me a platform to speak about Homeoprophylaxis as well as my Seven-Minute Transformational Journal that has helped so many begin to transform their lives. Thank you, Trinity, for changing my life to a very successful life of passion and purpose.