4 Tips For Marketing Your Natural Health Business

4 Tips For Marketing Your Natural Health Business

Natural Health Education/ Practice   /   Jan 19th, 2022   /  A+ | a-

Marketing your natural health business may seem like a daunting task. With so many options to explore, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. As a business owner, your time and resources are limited, but the good news is that you don’t have to do it all, or do everything! Conversely, doing too much can actually set you and your company up for less success than anticipated.  


We’re here to confirm that a little effort, resources, and time can go a long way when you’re starting a new endeavor. Taking small steps that align with your natural health business can help you increase your marketing at a steady pace.


Do you want to know where to begin? Read on to discover 4 tips for marketing your natural health business.


Marketing Your Natural Health Business: Slow and Steady Wins the Race!


Some people think of marketing as an industry that plays on the fears, desires, and insecurities of the general public. While this may be true for some companies, it doesn’t have to be true for yours, and we strongly hope that it isn’t! Instead, think of marketing your natural health business as an opportunity to educate, connect, and create an amazing community around the beliefs and mission of your company.


People want more than a sales pitch and to purchase products. They want to know that you care about and value them. Since you’re in the wellness industry, caring about others likely comes naturally to you. Allow this strength and heartfelt passion to shine through in your marketing endeavors. The following 4 tips can help you get started:


1.    Define Your Values, Mission, and Goals

Great marketing begins with business owners. Their beliefs, values, and mission should be reflected in everything the business creates and does. However, before designing anything, it’s best to reflect on what your business represents and envision how you’d like it to impact your community and the world at large.


This is also a time to reflect on how your business will measure success in your marketing endeavors. For example, are you looking for new leads? More sales? Increases in platform-specific metrics such as likes, clicks, impressions, or followers? Decide what is most important to your business’s marketing beforehand to assess its progress accurately later.


2.    Research and Select  

One of the most important steps is to research marketing regulations and laws, your target audience, the platforms you plan to use, and their policies. Understanding graphic design and the best writing practices are also important. When in doubt, contact a representative on the platform you’re using, a marketing expert, or someone who thoroughly understands the laws and regulations you’ll need to follow. You’ll also need to re-familiarize yourself with the legalities surrounding the natural health industry. Determine what words, phrases, and images are acceptable before proceeding.


Next, you’ll want to research your target audience and the platforms they use the most. Since you’re in the natural health business, you’ll likely have a good idea of your ideal customer. But consider expanding this understanding to include people who may not always fit the picture in your mind or the people you already know. Ask yourself questions like, “What images would my target audience resonate with most? Are they married, single, or divorced? Are they male, female, or a mix? What do they believe? What messages would they relate to?” A simple search engine query consisting of “people who seek out natural health” should also be helpful.


Once you feel connected to and understand your audience, it’s time to select where you would like to reach them based on your research. Select one to two social media platforms to start. You should also decide how many times per week or month you want to post on these platforms, publish a blog, engage in paid advertising, or send emails. Just remember: one form of consistent effort, such as posting on social media three times per week, tends to be better than planning to, but then inconsistently, posting on three social media platforms, publishing one blog per week, and sending out one email per week.





3.    Design

Designing is more accessible and easier to do than ever before. You also don’t need to have the creative ability of a graphic design artist to create great marketing materials. Websites like Canva, for example, provide users with design templates that you can customize with your brand colors, logo, and additional features. The best part is that the basic version of Canva is free!


Before putting “pen to paper,” watch some YouTube videos or take a graphic design course to learn the basics. Once you’re ready to start designing, create a branding guide that you can distribute to your team members as needed. In the branding guide, include your logo, 1-2 fonts, and 2-5 colors you would like to use consistently. Always aim to make your designs consistent with the look, feel, and mission of your business. This includes selecting photos that portray people in a positive light and reflect aspects of your business that are easily identifiable and relate to your audience. For example, if you provide wellness consultations, you can include photos with two people talking and taking notes in an environment that matches your business.


You can find stock photos to use on websites like Pixabay, which are free and easily downloadable. When using stock photos or other images from online databases, check the copyright and give credit as needed. This also goes for text-based content.


4.    Get Discovered

Now that you’re ready to get your name out there, it’s important to create opportunities for customers to find and connect with your business. Here are some essentials to help get your business discovered:

·      Have a website

·      Create a Business Google Account, so your business shows up in business search results

·      Be consistent on one to two social media platforms and answer messages or requests regularly

·      Have a dedicated business email account

·      If you have the time and resources, consider starting a blog and posting steadily


If you don’t have any customers or clients yet, don’t fret. Give yourself and your business at least three months to see improvement. Then, consider adding something new to your marketing repertoire at the three-month mark and evaluate your current efforts and their sustainability. After adding new marketing endeavors, you should maintain the aspects that are producing results.



Market Your Natural Health Business: Gaining Additional Support


As natural health proponents, we know that it never hurts to ask for help! Adopt a mindset of curiosity and cooperation, never stop learning, and network with customers, clients, and businesses. When in doubt, use a website like UpWork to find creative allies, such as graphic design experts and writers, to assist with your marketing. You can also consider hiring a reputable marketing agency or bringing on an in-house marketing professional to guide you through the process.


Do you want to increase your business’s marketability by furthering your natural health education? Consider enrolling in our Certified Natural Health Professional program or completing a specialized program to add to your skill set. To speak with an Enrollment Specialist, call 800-428-0408, option 2, or visit trinityschool.org and use the chat feature.